NCDHM is Here!!!
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This year’s slogan is: JOIN THE SUPER SMILE TEAM.
You can help your child join the team by fighting for good oral health and reminding them to brush two minutes, two times a day for a super smile.
We want to help too. We have created a fun game for you and your child to enjoy all month long, SUPER SMILE BINGO. To play, all you have to do is follow three simple steps.
Step 1: LIKE us on Facebook.
Step 2: Visit our Facebook page each Monday-Friday during February to receive daily crafts, experiments and other fun activities. Be sure to mark each item off your BINGO card as you complete them!
Step 3: Once you get a BINGO, turn in your card to join the Super Smile Team and receive your certificate. Want to go the extra mile? Complete the entire BINGO card for a special prize. Bingo cards must be received no later than March 8, 2014.
Wishing each of you a happy, healthy month…and don’t forget to share a smile!
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