• Braces: Placement Day

    Braces: Placement Day

    Braces have been around for a very long time.  The design and components have changed and been improved over the years, but the basic idea has remained largely the same.

    The basic idea of braces is to use gentle, constant pressure to move teeth into their proper positions slowly, over time.

    This is done by attaching brackets made of metal or ceramic to the teeth using either a bonding material or a metal band.  An arch wire (thin metal wire) runs from bracket to bracket putting pressure on the teeth and small colored elastics  hold the wire onto the brackets.  The teeth move when the arch wire puts pressure on the brackets and teeth.  Sometimes rubber bands are used to exert more force in a specific direction.

    Some patients will require spacers prior to the placement of your braces. Spacers are circular rubber bands that create space in between the teeth.  If this is the case, you will have spacers put in a few days prior to your braces.

    For most patients, getting braces takes about 2 hours.  While this procedure may be a bit unpleasant in length, you shouldn’t worry about pain during placement.

    First, the doctor will thoroughly clean and dry your teeth.  Then a bonding material is applied and the brackets are placed on the teeth in a very precise position, any excess bonding material is removed.  Where the brackets are placed does a great deal to ensure that the teeth follow the correct paths to their final placement.  Finally, the arch wire will be secured to the brackets using elastic bands.

    When braces are first placed, your teeth will feel a little different to your tongue and your cheeks.  This is normal.  As your mouth gets more used to things, your braces will start to feel more and more normal.  For most, this happens within the first two weeks.

    Up next…Braces: Braces – Tips For Dealing With Pain or Discomfort

    Diagram Credit: Oral B

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