• Don’t Get Spooked by Monster Mouth This Halloween!

    Don’t Get Spooked by Monster Mouth This Halloween!

    From the time your child gets their first tooth until the last permanent tooth comes in, their mouth goes through a lot of changes and they are at risk for developing cavities.

    A cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by bacteria.  Cavities might not be painful at first, but they can become painful and, left untreated, can cause an infection in other parts of the tooth or body.

    With a few simple tips you can help take the fright out of this upcoming Halloween Night!

    Time it Right

    Eat Halloween candy (and other sugary foods) with meals or shortly after mealtime.  Saliva production increases during meals which helps rinse away food particles and limit acids caused by bacteria.

    Stay Away From Sweet Snacks

    Snacking can increase your risk of cavities, and it’s double the trouble if you keep grabbing sugary treats from the candy bowl.

    Choose Candy Carefully

    Avoid hard candy and other sweets that stay in your mouth for a long time.  The longer teeth are subject to sugary foods, the greater the risk for tooth decay.

    Avoid Sticky Situations

    Sticky candies cling to your teeth.  The stickier candies, like taffy and gummy bears, take longer to get washed away by saliva, increasing the risk for tooth decay.

    Drink More Water

    Drinking fluoridated water can help prevent tooth decay.  Swishing with water after meals also helps rinse food particles away.

    Stay Away from Sugary Drinks

    This includes soda, sports drinks, flavored waters and juice.  When teeth come in frequent contact with beverages that contain sugar, the risk of tooth decay is increased.

    Brush Your Teeth

    Remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes and clean between your teeth, where toothbrush bristles can’t reach.

    Have a Plan

    It’s tempting to keep that candy around, but your teeth will thank you if you limit your stash.  One option is to pick out some of your favorites and donate the rest.

    Visit Your Dentist

    Regular visits can help prevent problems from occurring and catch those that do occur early, when they are easy to treat.

    Mouth Healthy

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