• 5 Work Habits that Wreck Your Teeth

    5 Work Habits that Wreck Your Teeth

    These workday no-nos can really take a toll on your oral health.

    1.  Using Your Teeth as Tools

    DON’T tear or rip anything open with your teeth.

    Why Not? Something as simple as tearing off a piece of tape or ripping open a package could result in chipping your enamel or breaking a tooth.  Take a moment to grab the scissors or the correct tool for the job.

    2.  Chewing on Pens and Pencils

    DON’T bite your pen or pencil as you work.

    Why Not? You’ll wear down the edges of your teeth, potentially causing a toothache and fractures.  Instead, munch on celery or carrot sticks.

    3.  Your Daily Cup of Joe

    DON’T nurse your latte throughout the day.

    Why Not?  You’ll dry out your mouth, leading to bad breath and cavities.  Plus, you’ll stain your teeth over time.  If you can’t go without coffee, skip the sugar and follow it with a glass of water.

    4.  Taking a Smoking Break

    DON’T smoke cigarettes or e-cigarettes.

    Why Not? Besides causing lung cancer, smoking also multiplies your risk of oral cancer, tooth loss, gum disease and even cavities.  Even e-cigarettes, which still contain nicotine, can harm gum health.  If you already smoke, ask your doctor for help quitting.

    5.  Skipping Brushing During the Workday

    DON’T wait until after work to brush and floss.

    Why Not? Plaque starts forming on your teeth immediately.  The longer you wait, the harder it is to remove.  Brush after snacks and meals.  If you are in an office, keep a spare toothbrush and toothpaste in your desk or lunch bag.

    Grin Magazine

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