• The Real Cost

    The Real Cost

    FACT:  More than 7,000 chemicals are found in a single puff of cigarette smoke. FACT: Nicotine takes less than 10 seconds to reach the brain. FACT: Smoking as a teen can stunt lung growth. FACT: Smoking accelerates skin aging, which can lead to premature wrinkles. FACT: Smoking causes gum disease, which could cost you your

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  • World Oral Health Day

    World Oral Health Day

    The world is gearing up to celebrate World Oral Health Day on March 20th.  World Oral Health Day is an international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the issues around oral health and the importance to everyone, old and young, of practicing good oral hygiene.   Raising

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  • Dealing With Buck Teeth

    Dealing With Buck Teeth

    Children with prominent front teeth, also known as buck teeth, often require orthodontic work to help straighten their teeth, correct their bite or to improve their appearance.  Upper front teeth that stick out are more likely to be broken or knocked out in an accident or while playing sports. In addition, their appearance can lead to a

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  • Power vs Manual…the Toothbrush Debate

    Power vs Manual…the Toothbrush Debate

    We live in a remarkable time.  The advances of technology, science and medicine are phenomenal.  Just think about some of the modern day conveniences we have.  Can you picture life without a flushing toilet, an iPod, a microwave oven, a computer, central heating and air, Wi-Fi or cell phones…not to mention cars and other various modes of transportation?   How did

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  • Complete Dental

    We’ve been dentists in Sacramento since 1961, offering complete dental care. We take care of your entire oral health. No expensive specialists to deal with. We aim to be the only dentist you’ll need.

  • Orthodontic Braces

    Did you know we do braces too? Read more to find out how we can give you the smile that you’ve always wanted.

  • Family Matters

    We are three generations of dentists. We want to provide the best dental care. Let our family take care of your family.

  • Dental Care for Kids

    Get your children started on improving their oral hygiene. We’ll give you some tips to make it easier. Also, starting at age two, kids should begin their regular checkups with the dentist as well.