Fluoridated Water
Are you one of nearly 210 million U.S. residents that are now receiving the benefits of fluoridated water? According to the 2012 Water Fluoridation Statistics* California is ranked 34th in the country for providing its people with fluoridated water.
- Fluoride exists naturally in nearly all water supplies. Water is “fluoridated” when a public water system adjusts the fluoride to a level that is optimal for preventing tooth decay.
- Research proves that fluoridation reduces tooth decay by about 25 percent.
- Fluoride mixes with saliva, and when the saliva neutralizes acids produced by bacteria on teeth, the fluoride joins the enamel crystals on the tooth surfaces, healing and protecting the teeth from further decay.
If your drinking water does not have the recommended amount of fluoride, there are options to ensure you are getting enough to help prevent tooth decay. Two such ways are brushing with a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste twice a day or by taking fluoride supplements. Be sure to talk with your dentist or health care provider prior to making any changes in your daily routine. Keep in mind that fluoride alone will not completely prevent tooth decay; continue to brush at least two times a day and visit your dentist regularly.
*These statistics were prepared using water system data reported by states to the CDC Water Fluoridation Reporting System as of December 31, 2012, and the US Census Bureau state population estimates for 2012.
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