• An Apple a Day

    An Apple a Day

    We all know that brushing, flossing and regular dental visits are the key to having strong, healthy teeth.  However, the things we eat and drink also play a big role on the overall health of our teeth.

    A toothbrush and a pack of floss aren’t your only weapons against cavities any longer.

    Prevention is the best medicine for your smile.  As you plan your weekly menus, try including some of these great foods that are not only good for your health, but are also good for your teeth!

    Dairy and Cheese.  Milk and other dairy products are the primary dietary source of calcium, which is essential for healthy teeth and for strengthening tooth enamel.  While cheese may be higher in calories, it has been shown to strengthen your teeth, protects them against staining and it also helps neutralize acid.

    High-fiber Foods.  Leafy vegetables and other high fiber foods promote good digestion and healthy cholesterol levels.  They also do wonders for your teeth – mostly because they require a lot of chewing.  Chewing generates saliva which helps neutralize acid and the food itself acts like a mini toothbrush and helps scrub your teeth clean.

    Apples and Pears.  While many fruit can be bad for your teeth due to their high acid content, fruit such as pears and apples are great for your teeth.  They are packed with vitamins and minerals, help stimulate saliva and have a high water content which helps dilute sugars.

    Strawberries.  These summer berries contain malic acid, a natural enamel whitener.  (Be sure to floss, though, as tiny strawberry seeds can easily get trapped between your teeth.)

    Water.  Water helps wash acid off teeth.  It also contains fluoride, a mineral that protects against tooth erosion and is found in toothpaste.

    Sugarless Gum.  Sugar-free gum helps clean teeth by dislodging food particles that become lodged between your teeth and by stimulating saliva to help wash away acids.  Try using sugarless gum sweetened with xylitol, a substitute that reduces bacteria.

    Now that you know some of the foods that are great for your teeth, take a look at some you might want to avoid…or at least use in moderation.

    Candy.  The stickier the candy, the worse it tends to be for your teeth.  As candy sticks to your teeth, it allows the bacteria in your mouth to burn sugar into acid, which dissolves tooth enamel.  Sour candies carry a triple punch as they contain their own erosive acid.  Hard candies that you suck on expose your teeth to sugars over longer periods of time allowing bacteria to produce more acid.

    Citrus Fruits and Juices.  While these are a great source of vitamin C and other nutrients they aren’t the best choice for your teeth.  They are highly acidic and can erode your tooth enamel over time.  Research has shown the orange juice is the least acidic.

    Soda, Sports Drinks, Coffee, Tea and Wine.  Known for high content of sugar, acids and staining your teeth.

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